Our website is a set of short quizes in which we test the knowledge of the visitor in HTML, CSS, Javascript.

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Goroob Sawalqeh

my name is Goorob , mechatronics engineering . Berfore i enjoy code fellow i was taking courses on Microsoft and how to deal with computers.I decided to learn programming because I liked this field and because the world is now heavily dependent on technological and software development.

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Ahmad Sawalqeh

Computer engineer, have a passion to learn how to code, how to build websites and web app application on my own.worked as an employer and freelancer as a Web Developer (Front-End Developer), thats gave me good experience in programming helped me to create more than one project and this website one of them.

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Shaimaa Jfoot

I decided to learn software development because it's so important in our lives because everything is connected to it, I believe that the ideal environment to use this skill in programming and software development companies, and one of the things that make me a better developer.